Stainless Steel Refrigerators - Growing In Popularity

by HDME Staff

I love stainless steel refrigerators! One of the appliances that helps to define the appearance of a kitchen is the refrigerator. In today's kitchens, more and more people are turning to stainless steel refrigerators to give their kitchens a modern, sophisticated appearance. Here are some reasons we see more stainless steel refrigerators in modern kitchens.

Stainless steel is more elegant than bland enamel colors or plastics. It stands out and makes the kitchen look more modern, even if no other appliances are new or modern. It resembles silver in its appearance, without the risk of tarnish, which makes it look more valuable.

Steel is a more durable material for finishing appliances such as refrigerators or stoves. It is very strong and resists scratches that would deface most other materials. It is also more difficult to bend or dent, decreasing the chance that a childish prank can destroy an expensive kitchen appliance by bending and placing stress on important lines and hoses inside the case.

Stainless steel is very versatile. In an ultra modern kitchen, practically all work surfaces are stainless steel. However, this metal can be used on only the refrigerator and blend in well with most color schemes, especially black or white. One can also have the metal finished in a choice of shiny or dull matte finishes to make it easier to incorporate into other color schemes.

The last, and possibly most important reason is that stainless steel refrigerators are easier to clean than other materials to maintain a sanitary kitchen facility. This can be very important in today's world where both adults in many households work outside the home. Neither really has time to go through each day and perform a thorough cleaning of all kitchen surfaces.

Stainless steel refrigerators can be cleaned with simple hot water, or with a mix of water and bleach to sanitize surfaces and ensure that no bacteria from raw food prep can contaminate something else and lead to food poisoning.

Granted, not many raw foods touch the outside of a refrigerator, but the hands that touch the food do touch the refrigerator, making it just as important to keep clean. The ease with which stainless steel can be cleaned make it an excellent choice for households with children or where it is a few days between thorough cleaning of all kitchen surfaces. Stainless steel refrigerators simply have many features that make them a leading choice in today's modern kitchens.

The Big Question for YOU!
What’s your opinion of stainless steel refrigerators? Tell us about any difficulties you’ve had with them.

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Love The Look Of Stainless Steel Refrigerators
by: Sissy

I love the look of the ultra modern stainless steel kitchens. We even have counter tops that are stainless steel. It is so clean looking and so easy to take care of.

Love 'Em
by: Momof12

I just love stainless steel refrigerators. I have heard nothing but positive comments about them. My husband and I have decided that we will put one in our new home that we're building.

I'm a lucky girl
by: Maya

I rent my apartment and I am lucky enough to have a stainless steel fridge as well as a stainless steel stove! They look great and are a breeze to clean and the best part is I didn't have to buy them!

I want one so bad!
by: zelda

I really want one of these stainless steel refrigerators. Not only do I agree that it will make my kitchen look great I also would love to have something so easy to keep looking cleaner for longer. I have a white one now, it's older, and I could scrub it all day and it still looks dingy.

Miss my upside down
by: Barb

I've had stainless before and the next time I have to buy a refrigerator I will definitely check out stainless steel refrigerators. I just love the look. But what I miss more than my stainless fridge is my upside down fridge. I had one in the last house and it was just so convenient to have the fridge part on top and everything at eye level.

On my wishlist
by: Ginny

I really like the look of stainless steel refrigerators. Being easier to keep clean is a definite bonus too. I am adding this to my xmas wishlist as my kitchen is due a remodel in the next six months.

Not tried one yet
by: Maureen

I'd love to have one of those stainless steel refrigerators but they do cost a lot more than the white plastic ones. I agree that they look wonderful but they do show the dust. I have a stainless steel dishwasher and this is the only fault I can find with it!

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