Metal Kitchen Cabinets

by HDME Staff

In a majority of cases, metal kitchen cabinets are made out of stainless steel. A major benefit to using such cabinets is that they help to give the kitchen a cool look. These kinds of products were first used in the thirties and forties and were well loved because they were cheap and they did not require much maintenance. In the modern times, metal kitchen cabinets are now being designed to complement a countertop and appliances that are made from stainless steel.

The best places to install metal kitchen cabinets are in a loft as well as a modern industrial space. If your main concern is to use something that is strong and cost effective then you will want to add such items in your commercial kitchen as well as in restaurants. These products can also withstand splatters and splashes in a very effective manner and this is another spinoff benefit to using these items.

All that you need to remove splatters as well as splashes from metal kitchen cabinets is make use of a dampened cloth which will soon wipe all the marks off the cabinet. These are also products that are very similar to a refrigerator that is made from stainless steel. So, do not be surprised if you notice many fingerprint marks and if the surface gets scratched easily. To get rid of the fingerprints, you will need to wipe the cabinet quite frequently.

The sound made when you open or close the cabinet door is an annoying aspect that takes away some of the pleasure of using metal kitchen cabinets. This is something that you can do little about but manufacturers have devised solutions such as lining the door with a wooden base.

Some metal kitchen cabinets might even have doors that are made from glass. This is a good idea as it makes the kitchen look airier and if the shelves within the cabinet are also made from glass, then the items placed on these shelves will look like they are floating inside. Most of the time, the handles on metal kitchen cabinets will be made from chrome or nickel plated material though sometimes you will come across products with crystal knobs. This makes the cabinet look much more elegant and opulent.

Even if the surface of your metal kitchen cabinets become overly scratched there is no need to despair. This is because manufacturers have devised certain techniques that can help in covering up the scratches. All in all, such products are very useful additions and if chosen with care, can do a lot to improve the look, feel and functionality of your kitchen or industrial space.

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Too commercial
by: Syd62

I think this is a great idea for a business but wouldn't like it in my home. For one thing they would be too heavy to hang on my walls and a lot of my kitchen cabinets are on the walls.

Good for singles
by: Dad@home

I totally agree that metal kitchen cabinets would be super cool in a loft, preferably one lived in by a single person or a child free couple! For me they are too cold looking when you have a family space to fill, and the kitchen is such a major part of that. Keeping them looking clean would be too much work as well.

My Thoughts
by: Jewlya

Personally, I don´t care for metal kitchen cabinets. I don´t like the noise they make and I don´t like the way they show fingerprints. They are much more work to keep looking nice than their wood counterparts. I would never want glass doors on my kitchen cabinets so that everyone could see what is inside.

Nice ideas
by: sarahluv

I have thought about getting metal kitchen cabinets. Ours our wooden, old and painted. That means you can not keep them looking clean. I do think they look cool but I also think they are much easier to take care of.

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