Eco Friendly Cleaning Products

by HDME Staff

Know why you should consider switching to eco friendly cleaning products? When you look at the product labels of standard cleaning solutions, you are inevitably faced with a long list of chemicals, many of which are quite toxic and harmful. It isn’t at all abnormal to see phosphates, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, formaldehyde, and chlorine bleach.

The World Health Organization has published a list of chemicals that are known to have properties of a toxic, harmful, or carcinogenic nature and that are found in everyday hoe and body products. These are bad for humans, but are especially dangerous to children who are particularly vulnerable to inhaling and consuming these chemicals and their fumes.

This being said, they’re not only bad for the people (and pets) in your home, they also have a negative impact on the environment. For this reason, many people are switching over to eco friendly cleaning products to help to reduce the harm they are causing to themselves and the environment. These green products use solutions that are eco- and human-friendly instead of the traditional formulas that are full of toxins.

True eco friendly cleaning products have been carefully analyzed to ensure that they have little-to-no negative environmental impact. When looking at these products, though, you can perform your own analysis of what they contain. For example, have a look at their pH levels, as well as their biodegradability, and their level of solvents. In good eco friendly cleaning products, try to find solutions that have a pH level of 7 or lower. Essentially, the lower the better. Anything more than a 7 is thought to be extremely corrosive, so the closer to neutral you can find, the better.

Biodegradable products will often list their nature as such and are quite desirable in eco friendly cleaning products. Solvents, on the other hand, should be avoided. Common solvents to watch out for include propylene glycol ethers (PGE) and ethylene glycol ethers (EGE). These are considered very harmful and if there is an alternative available, it would be preferable to choose that alternative.

There are other benefits to using environmentally friendly cleaning products, which include a much lower risk of allergies. This is especially true among the elderly and children, who are more prone to reactions such as allergies and sensitivities to chemicals that are touched or inhaled from cleaning solutions.

The most severe allergies and sensitivities are generally a reaction to phosphates, bleaches, and fragrances. These allergic reactions can range from quite mild to rather severe. By eliminating the worst offenders for these reactions, you can minimize their chances of occurring. Eco friendly cleaning products don’t contain the worst ingredients for allergic reactions, so they often avoid the problem altogether.

With the one simple step of switching to eco friendly cleaning products, you can dramatically reduce the toxins and allergens in your home, and can reduce the environmental impact all at once.

The Big Question for YOU!
What eco friendly cleaning products do you use and how well do they work? Tell us what you like and dislike based on your experience.

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by: Kayla

I've tried some of the all natural eco friendly cleaning products and they don't seem to work very well at all. The only thing that gets rid of the mildew in my bathroom is bleach. Is there anything natural that can do what bleach does?

I wish I could send this to our schools
by: Tori

Our local schools use a bleach mixture to wipe the cafeteria tables and it is so strong. Also, every classroom is loaded with all those toxic, convenient 'wipes'. I wish we could educate them on this subject.

How Cool!
by: RuthAnne

I didn't know about cleaning with vinegar, salt and baking soda until my sorority sister came over to my house and saw me cleaning with a popular brand of cleaner. She explained about all of the chemicals and showed me what she could do with eco friendly cleaning products that incorporate natural ingredients. I was amazed and I haven't bought the expensive stuff since.

by: Sissy

Are you really able to clean with these items? I've never heard of this before. I would save a ton of money in addition to being kinder to the environment. Thanks for the tips!

Glad To See This Article
by: Mara

I'm so glad to see this article. I use a very limited number of things to clean my house with. I use white vinegar, alcohol, salt and baking soda and ammonia to clean my house. In various combos or alone they are able to clean every surface in my home.

Brilliant advice for eco friendly cleaning products
by: Meg Starr

I have also used what my mum used to use for years and that is white vinegar, to clean most things. I hate the chemicals that they put in these cleaners and always look at what's in stuff like this before I buy.

White Vinegar
by: Jewlya

I have switched to using mainly white vinegar for my cleaning. It is incredibly versatile. You can use it for mopping, to wash windows, to clean your counters and even as your fabric softener just to name a few of its uses.

But are they really?
by: MLsmith

More and more products are coming out saying that they are eco friendly cleaning products, and some really are. Still others make that claim but I suspect that they are not as eco friendly as they say. I don't take their word for it.

Young one
by: Kelly

We try to keep as many natural eco friendly cleaning products on hand as we can, because or daughter is starting to help out more and more with the chores.

They shouldn't even be allowed to make them
by: Sandy

Some of the chemicals in standard cleaning products are so bad for us the companies that make them shouldn't even be allowed to do it. I go with natural eco friendly cleaning products whenever possible because I don't like the idea of using products that have ingredients in them I can't even pronounce.

The right answer
by: RuthAnn

You are absolutely right about those chemicals. I switched to vinegar and baking soda for most of my cleaning as my family was suffering from headaches anytime I used those toxic cleaners.

I feel so guilty!
by: OneTwin

I have worried about chemicals in everything I use around the house for so long but I have tried the eco friendly products and, apart from eco-balls, they just don't get the clothes clean! Thanks to this great article, I'm about to give them another try.

Eco Friendly Cleaning Products - Better late than never
by: taynaM

I always thought that using chemicals was fine and that the dangers were blown out of proportion. But after reading this articles and comments I think it is time I rethink that!

Keeping a safe home
by: Ginny

As I provide daily care for my three youngest grandchildren I am extra careful with cleaning products. This great article confirms why it is so important to be aware of the harm in daily use products.

I am a fan of lemons and vinegar, supplemented by non toxic eco friendly cleaning products I buy online.

So true
by: mumnina

I had to get rid of my chemical cleaning products a while back. My son and my husband both have asthma. Once I made the big switch to eco friendly cleaning products, guess what? They had less breathing trouble and less asthma attacks. They still have them but so much less. I wish every one would read this article and take it seriously.

I am shocked!
by: zelda

I have always used baking soda. Only because my mother taught me to do it. Now that I know how dangerous cleaning products with chemicals can be I am going to get rid of most to them and switch over to some eco friendly cleaning products. This alone could help my family and myself live a healthier life. Thanks for this great article!

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