Decorating Ideas For Bedrooms

by HDME Staff

There are some great decorating ideas for bedrooms available both through the Internet and in land-based shops. But, when a person wants to make a room unique and distinctive, there are a few easy steps that can be taken that will make the adventure of creating a special space fun and exciting.

Of all the rooms in a home, the bedroom is the one place that you spend the most time alone. This is the room where most people go to get away, unwind, relax, and get re-energized. Therefore, it is important to consider what items, objects, and colors help you to feel most relaxed when considering decorating ideas for bedrooms. Colors play a big part in achieving a restful environment, but textures and accessories also play a huge role in creating the feeling you want to achieve.

If you are an individual who is most relaxed in a room that has clean lines and no clutter, then using organizers in closets and creating storage spaces that are not visible will help to achieve the peaceful look you want. For many people the use of closet organizers is a great way to get items normally placed on top of dressers out of sight.

A great tip related to decorating ideas for bedrooms is that in order to make a small room look larger, you should choose fewer and smaller pieces of furniture. A person who is decorating a room for a young person will find that it is very easy to manipulate the size of a bed and number of dressers that are in a room. As people get older, changing the size of a bed and reducing the amount of furniture in a room can become a challenge and require some creative thought.

A room with a walk-in closet provides an excellent opportunity to rearrange the rods for hanging clothing and add shelves and dressers to the lower portion of the closet. Many people find that adding these element to a walk-in closet eliminates the need for a dresser in the room and provides enough space for a restful lounge chair.

Near the top of decorating ideas for bedrooms is lighting. It is very important to consider in a room. Many people use lighting that is too bright in a bedroom. Rather than have lamps and overhead lights with bright lights so that you can read in bed, simply add a small clip-on book lamp that provides the amount of light needed but still allows other lighting to be kept to a minimum.

When choosing textures, it is important to remember that soft textures are more comforting on the skin than sharp or rough textures. Choosing colors and textures that provide a soft restful feel will help an individual to relax and rest. In some cases, creating an oasis that is composed of neutral colors is a wonderful way to feel completely at peace when in a room.

The odor of a room will also trigger feelings. By adding scents to the room that are relaxing and peaceful, you will be treating all of your senses to a wonderful and relaxing escape. When choosing all of the elements for a room, taking advantage of decorating ideas for bedrooms that have personal meaning to you will help to make the room uniquely yours. Choosing items that make you feel peaceful and comfortable may not be in style, but will give you years of enjoyment when they are incorporated into your final design.

The Big Question for YOU!
What's the biggest challenge you're facing when it comes to decorating your bedroom? And if your bedroom is already beautifully decorated, tell us what makes it special and share some of your best ideas for decorating bedrooms.

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My partner!
by: jayla

My biggest challenge is my partner. He takes no say in the other rooms of the house but he does in the bedroom and we can not seem to agree with how to design it.

Soft lighting
by: Petunia

The most important thing to me is that the lighting be soft and inviting. I like to focus on a sense of clam in the bedroom and that requires subtle lighting for me. Anything too bright would be alarming.

Good Decorating Ideas for Bedrooms!
by: Randa Keeton

Great ideas for managing clutter for the bedroom. I have more things in the bedroom than I have anywhere. I have a bunch things under the bed already and have bought a wardrobe we are going to use to store off season clothing. We are getting straightened up and hopefully we will be organized soon.

by: Betty

My biggest thing to me is that my bedroom stay uncluttered. It is my sanctuary and I can't deal with anything being out of place in there. I probably keep my bedroom more organized than any other room in the house.

Lighting is so important
by: Syd62

Obviously it depends what you actually do in your bedroom, but I agree that lighting is so important. If you want a room that is more than just a room in which to sleep, you need to think about the ambiance that can be created with different colors of light.

Great Ideas
by: sarahluv

I really enjoyed reading these decorating ideas for bedrooms. I always wanted one room I could just get away to. With 3 kids I need it. Yet somehow I never got around to making my bedroom nice. Maybe with these ideas I can do it.

My Bedroom
by: Momof12

I just recently finished painting my bedroom a medium shade of country blue. My curtains are a light beige with a dark country blue trim. I have a ceiling made of pine boards. I just love the finished project. It looks so homey and inviting!

Bedroom Decorating
by: Alan Riley

As we're talking about decorating ideas for bedrooms, I think you have to start with the bedding set, since the bed is the most prominent object in the bedroom. I love zebra bedding at the moment. It' striking and, being black and white, will match with heaps of color schemes.

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